California | Massachusetts | New York | Portland, OR | Washington D.C
There are restrictions, product markings and other requirements in the U.S. that vary by state, municipality or jurisdiction dictating where a Prepared 2 Protect® pistol and projectiles can be sold, received, owned, carried and/or used. The information on this page is provided as a guide for your convenience and is not to be considered complete or up-to-date due to ever-changing laws, rules, and ordinances. Every purchaser is responsible for checking and obeying the state and/or municipality laws that govern their use and/or ownership of P2P products.
We DO NOT ship products to consumers who live in these areas:
Pepper Ball Ammo is prohibited
Permissible to possess, must be purchased from licensed ammo dealer 122B (licensing) 122C (pepper items)
New York
Non Pepper items can be shipped to most areas except the Five Boroughs
Portland, OR
Washington D.C.
Pepper Ball is prohibited
Known Restrictions
Convicted felons are not allowed to carry dangerous weapons under state law and CT may consider pepper ball launchers as such. Under CGS § 53-206, it is illegal to carry dangerous weapons without a permit.
Pepper spray designed to be used against people is considered a prohibited weapon in Canada. The definition under regulation states "any device designed to be used for the purpose of injurin, immobilizing or otherwise incapacitating any person by the discharge therefrom of (a) tear gas, Mace or other gas, or (b) any liquid, spray, powder or other substance that is capable of injuring, immobilizing or otherwise incapacitating any person" is a prohibited weapon.
The above list of restrictions is not entirely exhaustive and is only provided as an example and representation of restrictions that exist.