
Blog posts tagged with 'p2p'

Evaluating the Prepared 2 Protect Pepper Ball Launcher as a Deescalation Device


In an era where personal safety is paramount, non-lethal alternatives to firearms are increasingly in demand. Among these, the Prepared 2 Protect® (P2P) pepper ball launcher has garnered attention as a potential tool for de-escalation. This device, which uses high-velocity projectiles filled wi...

Transitional Spaces: Danger in Plain Sight
What is a transitional space? It’s just a fifty-cent word that describes places like parking lots, hallways, courtyards– any place where you are moving from one location to another. Transitional spaces are places where we are vulnerable to predatory criminals doing their work.
Let’s Be Honest Here, You Aren’t Ready or Prepared. Part Three of the multi-blog series on the concepts and practices of preparedness
Despite working in the gun industry, one of my biggest passions is for things with wheels. Cars, trucks, 4x4s, tractors, ATV’s, motorcycles– if it rolls via dead dinosaur juice, I am interested in it. Especially if older and in need of a little TLC to bring back to life.
Do You Have A Plan? Part two of the multi-blog series on the concepts and pracatices of preparedness.
Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire says, “I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.” Is that really a plan for getting by in life? The obvious answer is no. Given the degradation that seems to be going on in American society, the kindness of strangers has been replaced by apathy and voyeurism. At best you can hope, if someone happens to stop by your emergency, they will pull out their phone and start videoing the situation. This might not be the case everywhere, but in urban environments, it is becoming more and more evident that no one is coming to your rescue. Getting by on dumb luck or the kindness of strangers is not a game plan thriving let alone surviving when the punches start to swarm on you.
Who Is Coming To Your Rescue? The first blog in a multi-part series on the concepts and practices of preparedness.


Some people are really lucky. Some people have no idea how lucky they really are.  I’ve heard it said that some people would rather be lucky than good.  I don’t get it. Who really wants to leave something easy and important up to chance, up to fate, up to dumb luck? What if it means your life? 
